Client Work

A selection of my work for clients, both current and past.
Only includes ghost-writing for general blog accounts, ghost-written articles published by business leaders (CEOs, CFOs, CMO,...) are subject to confidentiality.

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Understanding Global AML Regulations in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide | MVSI

The global regulatory framework around anti-money laundering keeps evolving in order to tackle the ever-novel methods criminals design in order to hide the true origins of illicit money. Across various global bodies such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) down to local regulators, there is a growing recognition that up-to-date and robust AML regulations are important for safeguarding consumers in the financial system.

Top Compliance Strategies for Payment Companies in 2024 | MVSI

As a payment executive, you probably know first-hand how innovations like instant payments, mobile wallets and embedded finance are creating new growth opportunities, yet also compliance-related challenges, for your business.

Due to the easier nature of conducting payments and instant processing, risks also increase.

The FinTech industry is, despite the challenges in a higher interest rate environment, expected to continue to grow: the market size is estimated at $340 billion in 2024. And by 2

TCFD-aligned reporting and the role of investor engagement - Impactive

TCFD-aligned reporting and the role of investor engagement

As businesses to strive to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting framework has gained global prominence. This article explores how TCFD-aligned climate reporting regulations are shaping UK investments and emphasises the crucial role of investor engagement in driving a greener economy.

How Luxury Conglomerates Manage Excess Inventory and Lessons to Learn

Excess inventory has long been a key topic for retailers and in particular luxury brands — it is very difficult to accurately forecast and match demand and supply for individual goods, as people’s tastes may differ from what has been produced.

In order to preserve your brand and its value it is therefore necessary to understand how to manage excess inventory in a smart way. We’ll show some lessons learned from luxury brands and retailers that can be applied to your business.

Lackluster Growth

Understanding the Accounting Implications of Inventory: Why Proper Valuation Matters

Looking to understand which inventory method best to use for your business? It is important to think about this clearly before making any rash decisions, because correct inventory valuation methods and recording of inventory discrepancies can significantly impact key financial metrics.

Let's first look at the cost of goods sold and what it is. Cost of Goods sold refers to an item on the income statement that is deducted from revenue. It is the total amount a company has spent on inventory durin

Retailers Returning to Just-in-Time Inventory Management

Retailers are shifting back to “just-in-time” (JIT) inventory management strategies after moving away from them to "just-in-case" strategies during the recent years of pandemic disruptions and unstable supply chains, as .

JIT involves keeping inventory levels as lean as possible to minimize holding costs while relying on accurate demand forecasts and supply chain visibility to ensure new stock arrives just as needed. We'll shed some light on why retailers are seeking out JIT inventory practices

How Oil Price Impacts the Supply Chain

Oil is the pulsing vein of supply chains — when crude prices spike, your costs convulse. As transportation fuel, manufacturing feedstock, and agriculture input, this global commodity intertwines with your budget. Sudden dips and surges in the oil market translate into wild swings in expenses. Shipments, production, inventory — all shaken by the tremors.

Oil prices have been on an upward surge, with Brent crude futures climbing recently. This price spike is attributed to multiple supply and dema

Where Did All the Inventory Go — The Tradeoff Between Resilience and Efficiency in Supply Chains

Empty shelves and delayed deliveries have become all too familiar in recent years. The pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and climate disruptions have exposed the Achilles’ heel of globalized supply chains: their vulnerability to shocks.

This is underlined by a from S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Head of Supply Chain Research Chris Rogers, who indicates that corporate profitability and margins are likely to be squeezed partly by the increasing need to invest in supply chain resilience.

While t

Piling Inventory in Car Dealerships: Navigating Slowing Demand

On the surface, last year's record electric vehicle (EV) sales crossing one million units seems like sunny news for automakers heavily invested in an electrified future. However, inventory stockpiles of new EVs gathering dust at dealerships across America cloud that optimism.

This growing gap between manufacturing capacity and sales momentum signals near-term headwinds that could derail the EV boom automakers are betting on. Swelling inventories stem from misaligned production growth and consum

Time to Reduce Orders in The Apparel Industry?

Nike recently downgraded its growth expectations, projecting sales to rise only ~1% this fiscal year along with cost-cutting initiatives underway. Given Nike's industry bellwether status, this signals cooling demand could spread across apparel, ushering in a growth moderation period after over a decade of expansion.

For apparel businesses, this shift calls for judicious preparation rather than business-as-usual approaches. With growth potentially slowing, can no longer run on autopilot based on

Wann verjähren Schulden bei Inkasso? | Lowell

Die regelmäßige Verjährungsfrist für Schulden beträgt in Deutschland gemäß § 195 BGB drei Jahre. Die Frist beginnt am Ende des Jahres,unter der Bedingung, dass die Forderung im Laufe des Jahres fällig geworden ist, in dem die Leistung erbracht wurde.

Bei Verträgen beginnt die dreijährige Verjährungsfrist für die Rückzahlung meist am Ende des Jahres, in dem der Vertrag abgeschlossen wurde. Bei Krediten beginnt die Verjährungsfrist meist am Ende des Jahres, in dem der Vertrag gekündigt und damit

Was ist Bonität und wie kann man Bonität verbessern? | Lowell

Achtung allerdings bei zu schnellen Abzahlungsversprechen — überfordern Sie sich nicht. Sonst besteht die Gefahr, dass Sie erneut in Zahlungsverzug geraten, was Ihre mühsam aufgebaute Bonität wieder ruiniert. Gehen Sie die Tilgung darum mit Bedacht an.

Entscheidend ist, dass Sie in diesem Zeitraum konsequent Ihr Zahlungsverhalten optimieren. Begleichen Sie etwaige offene Rechnungen zuverlässig und pünktlich, gleiches gilt für Ratenkredite und sonstige Zahlungsverpflichtungen. Auf diese Weise de

How to Start a Used Car Dealership: From Start to Finish

How to Start a Used Car Dealership: From Start to Finish

Have you dreamed of owning your own successful business? Of being your own boss and reaping the financial rewards?

The used vehicle market presents a compelling business opportunity for ambitious entrepreneurs like you given its immense growth and revenue potential. Consider the numbers — over 38.6 million used car sales in the US in 2022 according to Statista. This development is driven by rising consumer demand for affordable and envir

Insurance Reuirements for Contractors

Running a contracting business requires specialized skills, long hours, and often risky work. As a contractor, you pour your expertise, sweat, and passion into building, renovating, and providing specialty trade services that enhance people's lives. However, despite your dedication and careful efforts, you face an array of risks from the inherent dangers of your line of work.

In an instant, an accident, natural disaster, lawsuit, or claim can undermine everything without warning. The respons

Central Bank Currency Reserves: Understanding Who Holds What and Why

In our previous article, we explored what currency reserves are and how they help promote global trade and economic stability. In this piece, we will be looking at which currencies and assets are the most widely used ones for reserves and which central banks choose to hold what kind of reserves.

Globally, currency reserves are dominated by a large allocation to US dollars and also precious metals, especially gold. As gold is traded primarily in US dollars, this underlines the de-facto standard

Thematic ETFs: Risks and Opportunities

Thematic ETFs, while they offer investors the chance to capitalize on emerging technologies and structural shifts to possibly earn excess returns, also come with their own set of inherent risks. We’ll look at a few of them so you can form a better picture for yourself in case you decided to add thematic ETFs to your portfolio:

Thematic ETFs invest in a niche industry or theme, resulting in a very small number of concentrated holdings. If the industry, theme or public opinion towards the technol
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